Saturday, February 1, 2014

#IFailed Contest winners!

Hello guys! As you know, I have made a contest called #IFailed. You had to make a scenery with the worst pose ever. 11 of you tried out, but only 3 of you won. These 3 sceneries took the cake. And the winners are...

In 1st place we have, Ms. Jodierox10!!! (Jodie). Her scenery screamed awful, and that was what I was looking for. Her is her scenery below:

Title: #IFailed

And in 2nd place we have, Ms. Pikzi!!! (Nora).
Here is her scenery below:

Title: #IFailed ... Badly.

And last, but definitely least (xD) in 3rd place, we have, Ms. PrincessxSkye!!! (Skyla).
Here is her scenery below:

Title: #IFailed?

Congratulations to the winners! I couldn't decide between the 11 people, but I got help from a very special friend of mine, and her name is starlily29! (Sasha)

You 3 girls will receive your prizes later today, or sometime this week.

~ Peyton xoxo